A Dog Lover 12 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees Idea

A Dog Lover 12 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees Idea

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Choosing the Perfect Artificial Christmas Tree for Every Dog Lover’s Home

Are you a canine lover? For those who have dogs, these are often like additional children in your home! And for man dog owners, their love of their dogs is one of their greatest joys in life. So why not take this joy and use this on your 12 foot artificial Christmas trees? And no, we are not talking about hanging dog treats from the tree…though your dog would probably love it! We are talking about making your 12 foot artificial Christmas trees something that shows your love for your canine friends!

We have several ideas that you can combine and use to make your tree one of a kind…but rest assured it will have your love for dogs front and center.

Best Ornaments and Lights to Use on a Dog-Friendly Artificial Christmas Tree

1. If you are like most dog owners you probably have tons of pictures of your canine friends! Print these out and frame these with sticks, then hang them throughout your 12 foot artificial Christmas trees. This is also a great way to pay respect to those dogs that you have loved that have passed away in the years before.

2. Find dog ornaments of the breed that you love, even if this is all of them, and hang these throughout the tree! You will find that this can add color and definition throughout the tree.

3. Dog bones are probably a huge thing throughout your home if you own dogs. You will find that there are ornaments shaped like dog bones that you can buy to spread throughout the tree. These are available in various colors, and hopefully your canine friend is not going to think they are for him/her!

4. Be sure that you get some neutral-coloured bulb ornaments to help take up space throughout your 12 foot artificial Christmas trees. You can even make this neutral a color that really goes well with the pics of dogs on your tree. Or you can go with a metal neutral like silver to help add some sparkle throughout the tree.

5. Find some material that has done bones or even pictures of dogs throughout it and cut this to make your own tree skirt so that you can really show how much you adore your canines. This is a simple DIY activity that can make all the difference.

6. For the topper, why not add a stuffed dog to the top of your tree. One that is a mini size is going to be great to attach to the top and will be something that is even more unique to make your tree show your canine friends that they are always in your heart.

Decorating 12 foot artificial Christmas trees to show your love for dogs, is a great way to make this tree more memorable for you. You will find that when a tree is personalized to your tastes, no matter what it ends up looking like, you are going to love this! So, go wild and crazy with however you want to decorate.